Deploying a containerized PocketBase instance to

November 2, 2024


I'd like to deploy a database for content and other data for this blog and various small projects. PocketBase is an ideal solution, being lightweight, quick to set up, and featuring an intuitive GUI that non-technical collaborators can comfortably use to contribute and update data.


I'll deploy to, though the steps to containerize will make this a viable process for other VPS setups in the future.

1. Initialize directory

First: the directory of your choosing. Then make the necessary files and folders for PocketBase and Docker:

In pb_data/.gitignore we can tell git to ignore all the local data besides the .gitignore itself, so our folder is available but we don't version control the data:

2. Set up the Dockerfile

Create our Dockerfile. These are essentially instructions to be followed by Docker as it builds the image:

3. Create the package scripts

Our dev script with run docker:start if the container isn't built yet, or fallback to docker:run if it's already there.

docker run creates and starts a new container from a Docker image.

--name pb-starter specifies the name of the container. In this case, it's named "pb-starter".

*-d runs the container in detached mode (background). The container will continue running even after the terminal session ends.

-p 8090:8090 maps a container port to a host port.

  • 8090 (left): The host port (your machine's port).
  • 8090 (right): The container port (the port exposed by the container).

All the -v flags in docker:run are creating volumes for the directories in our PocketBase project.

We can run:


Access the PocketBase UI locally at localhost:8090/_!

We can log in and update the database to our liking. Migrations will be created and visible in our /pb_migrations folder which we can version control in our repo. The data we create in /pb_data will only exist locally.

4. Deployment - CLI & login

We can deploy wherever Docker containers are supported. For we can follow these steps:

This installs the fly CLI.

This will authenticate our account through the browser.

5. Deployment - Configure project on

This will allow us to set some preferences like location (PocketBase only scales vertically in a single location), and choose CPU and RAM amounts (1 CPU w 512mb will work for us to start). It will then attempt to build the container and should succeed.

6. Deployment - persisting data and getting online

This creates a 1gb pb_data volume for our data. Adjust the http_sevice.concurrency and [mounts] portions of out fly.toml file.


And we're up and running .

7. CI/CD with Github Actions

Let's add a github action to deploy when we push changes to the repo. We need to add out FLY_API_TOKEN to our actions repository secrets. We can generate the token:

Now, any migrations we generate by updating tables in PocketBase can be deployed when we push the main branch.

Helpful Sources

This workflow is credit to Johnny Magrippis, check out his tutorial here: Your own CMS + Backend in 15': How to deploy PocketBase to 🚀 DevEx, version control, CI/CD! - YouTube